Monday, September 30, 2013

Sept. random pics

Costco with the boys

This day cracked me up.  Shawn ate his first peach.  He was making the funniest faces.  I was laughing so hard.

Home Depot and the sweet driving cart!  Max didn't want to pose for the picture.

We got out the Halloween costumes, Max was in love with the dog costume and wore it every day.

Shawn loved the dog costume and would attack it.  It was so cute.

BOYS, BOYS, everywhere.

Late night reading with the kids.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Max and Shawn

Max wanted to feed Shawn.  "It went real well. (wink, wink)."

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Shawn sleeping, He is so stinkin cute when he sleeps.  Aren't all sleeping babys?


Getting thrown up in the air by Uncle Justin.  Max wasn't so sure about it; but he still wanted to get thrown up in the air.


Cute Syd.  Max and Sydney are only 2 days apart.

Max wanted to feed Shawn.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Girls trip must go on!!!

Well, we were supose to be at the Price is Right at the State fair, but they canceled it the day before...BUT, the show must go on. We went to the state fair anyway and had a fun time!



Traci and Tamara

Yummy corn!!!  Note to self, remember the salt and Parmesan is on the side of the table. Don't leave without it or you will be coming back. ;)

Tamara got picked for the duck race.  We couldn't be more proud!